Urban Camping in Erlangen – Postcards/Diary

The camping kits included a postcard and a small pad. People started to write a diary in the pad as the festival progressed, perhaps influenced by ‘The Green Tent’ that was also to be found inside the rucksack. Postcards starting popping through the letterbox as we returned to Stuttgart.

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Police found our tent

Spirit good.

People look, but don’t bother. Louisa knows how to read a map.

No one wants to play cards

DAY 2 (trans.)

No sense of direction


Didn’t see anybody on our walk

Mushrooms didn’t taste good, even though they were a lovely red and white

Angry storm overnight


Some little kids came by and threatened to pee on our tent.

We made soup. It was a bit watery.

It was a beautiful day, after we finally get here after taking the longest and most dangerous route.

All survived

In the end we had to leave but we enjoyed the fabulous break.

DAY 4 (trans.)

After a long march we have reached our base. The natives were not a big help. Harsh North-Easterly winds make our stay in an otherwise graceful landscape a bit cumbersome. But the weather holds.

One native nears us, but seems to be friendly.

The water supplies are dwindling. We have to ration. We play cards to stop ourselves noticing our thirst. A small fire is kindled to warm our feet.

Catastrophe! The tea has steeped too long. The last tea…

27.6.2008 16:31 Uhr (trans.)

Our logbook writer has left us. We are not sure if the natives have anything to do with this. There are now only three of us left.

The weather has improved, fewer clouds but stronger gusts that tear into our small tent. I am not sure how long we can hold this position.

27.6.2008 16:39 Uhr (trans.)

The water supplies have been used up. The last tea was rendered undrinkable due to the fine dust blown in with the winds.

Carla has left us to search for water. I am alone in the tent. Maybe it is paranoia, but I think the patrols from the natives have increased. I have marked their patrols on the map. Unusual sounds can be heard coming from a south-westerly direction. A constant grumbling and humming…

27/06/08 (trans.)

Today we had to survive without food – The camping proviance has been ransacked! Recieved a visit from two natives. The wild people saty for the afternoon. (unable to decipher the last sentence)

27/06/08 (trans.)

A snowstorm takes us by surprise. We can’t leave the tent, but luckily we have the playing cards. The camping cooker offers a little warmth.

28.6.08 (trans.)

We have soup and marshmellows. A guest joins us and eats his ice-cream. Holiday in festival-stress.

1 Response to “Urban Camping in Erlangen – Postcards/Diary”

  1. 1 Urban Camping « Interventions « treacle portfolio Trackback on December 9, 2011 at 7:00 pm

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